Monday 23 November 2015

How you make your decisions?


How important is decision making in one's life?

Decisions are made in every second of our life.
If you don't believe, let me tell you:
Waking up in the morning, you decide to exercise or to walk or to sleep a little long.
To take you coffee or your lemonade!
To read The Hindu or The Indian Express!
To cook or to eat outside!
To wear a blue color dress or a red one!
To fight with you friend for a mistake or to forgive them!

There are lots of examples like this. Decisions help us run the day smoothly, at least with less damage. But sometimes decisions are not just about a coffee and lemonade or The Hindu and The Indian Express. They are big and those decisions eventually shape our life. They are not jokes or pranks. But real, though intangible. Some are really difficult to take. Some decisions once made can be reviewed and changed later. But many times, life decisions made once, takes away the power from most of the people to do so.

Like if you have seen old Tamil movies, where the hero would be the law maker for a small village or group of people. His way of giving justice would be cruel and against law, literally by killing the 'one who  makes mistake'. The heroine would come and ask him to leave all the things he were doing to marry her and he would say a dialogue, "I chose this myself. I cannot back off now. Not from this."
The heroine would say, "How can I live with a man, who has no guarantee for his own life?"
The hero would say, "Even if I leave it now, I will be dead. I cannot leave. I will not. After all these years, my life or death does not matter. But these people matter to me.  So, you make your own decision, to live with me or to leave."

Decisions are sometimes like that. Yeah! Even though the above conversation can bring a bit of boredom or make you think kinda, "Do I have to read you article to know that?", the message conveyed is very strong. You cannot revert that was decided by you once and sometimes even the forced, especially the most critical ones like your career and studies.

In this way decisions are very important in one's life.

Next post- Dreams and passions.
Stay reading!

Wednesday 18 November 2015

In the pursuit of myself!!!

Life is not full of butterflies and flowers.
Yes. It is not.
But the way you see the thorns and bumps also makes a difference.
You cannot walk on the thorns. Sure you cannot.
And you cannot go smoothly in a bump. No you cannot.
But you can always change the perspective,
With hope, yes you can.

After my last exams of undergraduate,
I had choices.

I had enough of it than anyone else.
I chose to not to choose hastily.
I waited, I tried new possibilities.

It was one good day,
I was suggested to do what I loved.
It was a friend, a well wisher,
And a person who gives a constant source of encouragement,
Okay, a good combination of all.
I thought I had my calling. Yes, it was. 
But, it was not easy.

I had bad times,
But it was less than anybody's, who did not have anything to choose.
I gave up one of the opportunity to become independent,
And I was scrutinized by more and most people.
I went to a state of depression.

I had to walk on thorns sometimes,
I never stopped.
So were some of my friends, going through the same phase of their life.
To remind me that I was not alone in the bizarre bumpy ride.
I was inspired by the optimism and hope they had.
Knowingly or unknowingly they shared it with me.
Thanks to them, their presence has made me who I am today.

I find solace in here.
A thing I love the most.

I had a different experience in all.
I am now identified as a person who can convey the thoughts reasonably well,
Through a medium called writing.
Some of my friends call me with a writers name I admire.
And I react like I do not want to accept that.
But I love it.
I am no longer an under graduate to the world.
I am an amateur writer now, a blogger.
I am seen as a person, who is living the dream.
And I don't want to hide, but admit that I am proud.

In the mean time,
I have found angels in people.
I have found that people will remain in my life, my family, no matter how terrible my decisions are.
I have found people, friends, who can make my bumpy ride funny,
I have found people who not only make but keep promises.
I have found that eventually some people will judge,
And I can accept that criticism,
Change myself for my own good if I really should or ignore them for the same reason. 

I have found the value of time.
I have found the value of belief.
I have found butterflies in the middle of thorny path,
I have found fragrance of flowers in the middle of emotional numbness. 
I have an identity now. 
I have found that dreams can eventually come true.
I have found a new start.

A success is not defined by how much money you earn.
It is defined by the amount of happiness experienced after doing the work.
And the self-urge it gives us to take up the responsibility of breaking the own achievement.

After posting every article,
There lies a sense of satisfaction.
After receiving a good or bad comment for my article,
There comes a sense of responsibility to develop in every way I can.
True that I don't succeed often.
But I try to develop after every step.

From the middle of nowhere,
I have got something what I longed to have,
What I waited for.
So true that it is going to be challenging to keep up between blogging and that.
But I know the value of a dream taking shape and an opportunity to make myself independent.
They are equally important in a person's life. 
It is the way to give a mutual back up to both the things.
And hence will hold on to them very tight.

I am not perfect, I will not be,
I am not the best, I will not be,
But I will never give up on trying to be one.

I promise to people who were there and supported me,
I will grow and make you proud, no matter what it takes from me,
And will be there with you through thick and thin,
To support and love the same way you did.

A note to people who left,
I am no longer worried about you.
Thanks, I can concentrate on who really cares.

Life teach lessons.
We, just, should have the patience to learn.
Rome was not built in a day.
So does human maturity.
I cannot say that I have got all of the maturity to handle the world right now.
But I can say it has evolved to some extent.
And this is just a start.

With hope,
In the pursuit of myself,
A human in the making, with the support of fellow humans, the world and the above,
Who are already great or deserve to be great in their own way.

Saturday 14 November 2015

To the love of humanity!!!

Peace lost,
A city of love once, turned into city of terror,
Ruined by suicide bombers and gun men.

As they attacked,
They shouted the name of a God,
He, who would never love this kind of war.

As they attacked,
They shouted the name of a country,
From where the people fled searching across seas and oceans for food and life,
For a life of peace.

In the stadium that held the foot ball match,
There lies a body of a dad doomed,
Who wanted his son badly to play the game like those players.

In the hall that held the concert,
There was a mom,
Who wanted her children just to have a happy life.

In the restaurants,
Sitting there were families and couples,
Who wanted say to the other that they loved each other so much,
Some would have wanted to patch-up,
Some would have wanted to break-up.
There would have been business meetings too.

Everything has become nothing,
Nothing at all,
In few seconds of hate,
Everything changed.
People with love and emotions were turned to blood and flesh.

They call it a pure war,
They call it a fight for their nation,
They call it a fight for Him.

In the epic Mahabaratha,
There is a character called Karna,
He was celebrated as a man of generosity,
A man of courage and success,
A hero of the era,
But he fought against the Truth,
He fought for his friendship which was true, 
But he lost the war.
A man who could have never been defeated was killed,
And everything from him was taken away,
For he was against Truth and human values,
For his success was stained by the blood of the innocent warrior and the sanity of the woman.

The same would be the fate of Terrorism,
They fight for a cause,
But will never win,
For they have against them, the love of every people,
Who want to live with nothing but peace.

It is not Paris,
It is not Mumbai,
It is not Newyork,
It is not Pakistan neither Bangladesh nor Syria nor Egypt,
They are against the love of humanity.
They will learn their lesson.
Sooner or later.

Let us stand together,
Let us get connected by love,
Let us learn to tell people what we want them to know from us this moment,
For no one have the assurance that we will live the next moment.
Let love and truth win.

Secular India and meat bans…

My article might be considered out of date for people who think that this intolerance topic and meet bans started two or three months back. But, if you see in a long run, I am too early to write about this because the New Year is nearing and the government would have to start the ban all from the first for the same festival will be celebrated next year too. And no way can the media remain silent about this. How could that happen? They would nag some unknown faces representing the right, left and center, gather some filthy comments from all of them and run those comments again and again until the viewer believes that it was the view of the entire party.

Small and sensible
India is a secular country, said my Civics book when I was in 10th grade. I was also explained what secular really means. As far as I understood, we live together with our Muslim, Christian and Buddhist, Jain, Parish and many other counterparts. It was said that Indian constitution treats all the religions equally and the beliefs of one should not be a great concern for the other. I also remember studying about one of the fundamental rights, 'Right to freedom of religion’.
Before my Civics book, it was my school which always insisted that we should say the prayer of other religions on any one of the days and we did, because there were no big concerns about what God we prayed to. It was about the unfinished home works from which we always wanted to escape. I never felt a difference between a Diwali and Ramzan or Pongal and Christmas as every festival gave me holidays and there were new films on the Television which hooked me to it. 
There were friends, whose believes were different from mine, on God and food. They still chatted with me and laughed with me and my Tiffin box was stolen sometimes for it was packed with some really delicious vegan foods. I have seen my childhood friend, who was supposed to be a vegan like me, ate non-vegan foods from other friends who brought it. The food was not shared based on religion. It was really based on which Tiffin box carried the delicious food. There was no big drama about what should be eaten by whom, as long as everybody had something good to eat.

Right to food
As and when seen in my personal opinion, what others tongue loves to taste is in no way a concern for a person next to him. I have learned that the freedom of one person ends at the tip of the other person's nose. A tongue lies at a far distance according to this point. 

To those who ruled
We think that this meat ban started this September, when the Maharashtra government tried to ban beef for 8 days during the Jain festival. People forget history. This ban was put during the same festival by the once ruling, now opposition party led government too, which talks about the intolerance among people.

To those who are ruling
Politics and vote banks play their dirty games everywhere, forgetting the fact that the head of a party (ruling or opposition) or a state or a nation should respect the fundamental rights of every citizen, ‘Right to life’ upon every other rights, especially in this case. The present ruling party has to learn this lesson before anything else. They were not voted majority for nothing.

To the artists and rationalists
Returning awards is a way of showing your concern in any matter. But who are getting affected? This pressure placed on the government would not be enough. There are people, who really need to understand that all have equal rights to practise their religion or taste of food. An article in one of the famous newspaper about the people community in Mumbai stuck me hard, when it portrayed how some people really exhibited their bitterness and prohibited establishment of meat shops or hotels and restaurants of non-vegan foods in their locality. How would returning awards change those people?

Real concern
And don’t forget the media. They have a great part in blowing up things to improper proportions.  No end to this. The constitution will remain the same and promises will be made in the next election by parties to create a secular India, a less intolerant one and probably with no meat bans. Oh! Yeah. We were, by the way, never secular in past. Were we?
There are bigger problems to concentrate. I hope the party; whichever is in power (in the state or central) or comes to power, understands that and acts according to it.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Misconception of the word- 'Love'


The google search provides us with following meanings for the above mentioned word at the first hit
1. A strong feeling of affection.
2. A great interest and pleasure in something. 

Really? Did they think this noun can mean only these two sentences? Oh my god! Then google is insane. How could they do that? Even my brain, which usually holds very less number of words and  probably only the simple meaning or synonym for those words, return lots of meaning for Love. My neurons run the electric signals through the synopsis as fast as a light when I come across this word. Oh! Yeah. Almost for all the people who really live their life to the fullest, will have the same feeling as mine. 

So, I have said this to many people. Not as a such, but in a sentence that would always remain to be the best statement that I will ever say in my life,'I love you'. By all means, people reading this will wonder what the hell is this girl telling? Can we say it to more than one person? Yes. I can. Yes. I am doing it. 

I say it to mom every morning. I say it to my dad more times than I say it to her. I tell it to my sister at the end of every fight. I tell it to my best friends (I have three and two of them are guys) and to my good friends and to my just friends whenever I feel like saying it. I say it to many people and some really do get the meaning of it. Some think that I am mad. So am I. They allow me to be or I allow myself to be identified mad. I love the fact that love is mad.

Many people have the misconception that love is always an excess of adrenaline flowing through the blood when we see a beautiful beast. Many people think that it's always about missing a heartbeat and losing ones mind. You don't have to be like that always. You can be perfectly sane or imperfectly insane to use this word in that sentence. Yeah! You can be misunderstood sometimes. But misunderstanding people always misunderstand. You don't have to explain everything to everyone.

So, do you want to know what have I got because of this word? I have  got a mom who thinks that I can really become a writer one day. I have got a dad who can love me even after making him fall on the floor. I have got a sister who thinks that I can get a noble prize for something one day. I have got an uncle who thinks me as his own daughter. I have got best friends who pick my call anytime, even in the middle of a movie or a meeting. They talk to me even when I have nothing to tell and really feels proud for my success and stands by the side of me at hard times and makes me forget the terrible things I have gone through. I have got a whole bunch of brothers, Oh! not really related by blood. But, they do care for me, more than like a own brother. I have got a little teenage thug who never listens to his mom but me. He is my favorite among all brothers. I have got this nature which sends me a wind to endure, a rain to wet, a flower to smile and a butterfly to say me 'Good luck!' before every big deal. Love has created me.

The word 'Love' never can hold a same definition or meaning for any two people on earth. Love is not a feeling, its not an emotion. 
Love is eternal.
Love is everything.
Love has a broader perspective to it.
Love is love. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Its a right combination of every best thing in the world.

I have defined a small part of my view about this word. I don't feel this is the best. But, love never searches for the best. It always creates the best out of people.

So, have you ever thought of a word which has millions of meaning? Here is one.

Post Script: A continuation of Where is beauty?

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Unknown and Unnoticed

The little baby was named!
He blabbered like every other child of his age,
He loved his mother,
He loved the comfort she gave in her lap,
He loved the warmth of her heart when she held him near her breast.
He grew and he loved her more.

At the one end of the world was his father,
Toiling day and night,
He rose early, worked late hours,
And came home once in a while with the best toys in the world.
He was welcomed every time, for he bought with him the wonderful cars and helicopters.
Little the world knew what he had sacrificed,
Little that his wife knew what he was doing at office,
Little that his son knew how much hours of sleep he lost to get those stuffs.

Days passed.
The little boy once he was, turned into a big boy, not very big though,
His mother gave birth to his sibling,
And it was a beautiful girl, beautiful because she was a girl.

The boy loved his little sister,
For he was able to hold her in his arms,
For she smiled at him every time he played with her,
She grew with him.
He promised to protect her, no matter what!
They fought, they laughed,

She cried and he would always give up,
For he loved her smile more than her tears,
He took hours to make sure she had the best.

Big boy he was,
His enjoyments widened,
His pleasures granted,
And he loved his mom and sissy more than before.

He grew up and found that he had a passion,
His mom and sissy had plans,
Passion was costly and plans were big,
He always wanted to give the best for them,
So passion was buried and plans were given priority.

He loved them more,
But respected his father more than all the years of love he gave to mom and sissy,
For now he knew what it takes really to be a man,
For he really knew how every second of a man's life goes,
His sacrifices and toils,
Unknown and unnoticed!!!

Did I dilute mother's day?

In my previous blog, I mentioned that there are momma souls , that needs to be celebrated. It's not just your mother. Oh! Did I just say...